United Voices

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United Voices – What’s Going On?

Please join UPG Champions and Members.
“United Voices – What’s Going On?” features activities, opportunities and much more that benefit people passionate about
making the world a better place and it facilitates direct interaction.
Join and exchange opinions about the world and learn what good people are doing everywhere.
RSVPs are processed on a first come, first served basis, with priority going to UPG Champions and Members.

United Voices – What’s Going On?
Please complete this for each person that wants to attend.


I will join the following session of “United Voices – What’s Going On?” *
Each session has a different set of attendees that will interact with each other. And the cast of speakers may vary between sessions or it may remain the same (rare).
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Please enter this field as it is in your identity documents e.g. passport
Please enter your phone number. We may need to reach you with any last minute changes, such as the latest access instructions.

I cannot Join – please contact me for other opportunities

Please enter this field as it is in your identity documents e.g. drivers license, passport
Please enter this field as it is in your identity documents e.g. passport
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