
United People Global / Governance

United People Global (UPG) is a non-profit organisation registered as a foundation in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation registration number is CHE-407.035.390. UPG is supervised by the Swiss Federal Government and accounts for its management of funds as well as for its activities.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the highest level body that oversees the activities of UPG. The Board is deliberately composed to include people that are very much like UPG’s members, champions and other stakeholders. The diversity of the Board is a matched by a shared belief in the importance of UPG’s mission, especially the importance of empowering people. Please meet our Board below.

The Team

Given the importance of our mission, we are proud to have colleagues and collaborators with strong expertise as well as a firm commitment to contribute to making the world a better place. We work to encourage and enable others and so service orientation is a common quality across all collaborators.



Yemi Babington-Ashaye is humbled to serve as the President of United People Global ensuring that UPG makes contributions towards its mission by putting people and service first. He uses strategy, management and leadership expertise to design and deliver solutions with impact. He has worked in various capacities with world leaders, helping them to achieve ambitious objectives, helping them to interact on the global stage and to increase their influence. He has also worked with young people around the world, helping to strengthen the voice of youth for the benefit of communities locally and globally. Through his work he has demonstrated a tireless belief in the power of people. He has worked in the private sector, public sector, academia and in the non-profit sector.

He is a development economist, a management scientist and a chartered accountant who is passionate about serving and enabling people to have more impact.

Board of Trustees

Graça Machel

Chair of the Board, United People Global

Arancha Gonzalez

Board Member, United People Global

Martin Chungong

Board Member, United People Global

Daisy Guo

Board Member, United People Global

Amadou Mahtar Ba

Board Member, United People Global

Cherrie Atilano

Board Member, United People Global

Hend Amry

Board Member, United People Global

Marcelo Vogt Maia Rosa

Board Member, United People Global

Wolfgang Deckers

Board Member, United People Global

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