#UPGBiashara Candidate Agreement

Welcome. CONGRATULATIONS on the opportunity that you have to become a Candidate for a Class of UPG Biashara Entrepreneurs. You will undergo training, experiences and exposure that make you stronger in your journey to turn ideas into businesses. A lot of expertise, time, money and other resources are invested in you individually and collectively (as a Class) by UPG and by UPG’s partners and collaborators; and so a lot of people are counting on you. And even more importantly: your community, your future customers, your future employees, and the world NEEDS YOU. This agreement is required to ensure that UPG Biashara Entrepreneurs are the most motivated people for this opportunity. The agreement’s clauses ensure that this initiative is able to attract, develop, support and collaborate with the very best. And that the movement is free from any limitations to our shared ability to mobilise people and organisations to contribute to our shared objectives.

Are you ready to become a #UPGBiashara Entrepreneur?

UPGBiashara Agreement

UPG Biashara Candidate Agreement

1. Candidate Agreement

In my journey as part of UPG Biashara, I commit to being an ambassador for the objectives of the programme. I commit to fulfilling the commitments required of UPG Biashara Entrepreneurs:

(a) I understand that UPG Biashara is composed of a "Learning Journey" and an "Action Journey" and that the certification marks the end of the Learning Journey and the beginning of the Action Journey. I commit to participating regularly during both the Learning Journey and the Action Journey.

(b) As part of the Learning Journey, I commit to participating fully to achieve the requirements to be certified as a UPG Biashara Entrepreneur. This includes attending LIVE classes OR watching the videos to catch up. This includes participating in the Social Calendar activities. This also includes participating in group activities that are required for certification.

1.1. I commit to accessing the relevant UPG platforms that are required for effective participation in the UPG Biashara Learning Journey. I commit to accessing these platforms regularly, defined as at least once every 2 or 3 days. I understand that the most motivated Candidates access the platforms daily during the Learning Journey.

1.2 When required or requested by the UPG Biashara Team, I commit to marking my attendance on UPG’s Learning Platform following the directives of the UPG Team.

1.3 In case where I am unable to join a LIVE class, I understand that to obtain the credit for the class I will need to watch the recorded class and take the relevant action to mark my progress, this may include marking attendance to show that I watched the "Recorded" class. This may also include completing quizzes or other activities proposed by the UPG Biashara Team.

1.4 I understand that failing to record my attendance and progress within a given timeframe may lead to consequences such as suspension or revocation of my status as a Candidate.

(c) Once I am certified at the end of the Learning Journey, I commit to continue to be an ambassador for entrepreneurship by taking action. Such action includes continuing to run my business to the best of my ability. For those who are not running a business, such action may include starting a new business, or continuing to learn about entrepreneurship or taking actions that support entrepreneurs.

(d) I commit to conduct at least 1 mini-training session on entrepreneurship within my community using the knowledge and the materials provided by UPG.

(e) I understand that as a UPG Biashara Entrepreneur, I will have the option to bring on board an "apprentice" for a limited time (e.g. 3 months, 6 months) as part of "giving back" for the opportunity that I have. I commit to considering this opportunity and to fulfilling it, if and when it is possible.

(f) I commit that I will use the same email address that I used to apply to UPG Biashara as my principal communication during the UPG Biashara programme. In case of an email address change, I promise to inform UPG Team within 2 working days.

(g) I commit to responding to requests in a timely manner. This is normally within 24 to 48 hours of the request and no later than 7 days after the request was sent. I understand that in case of no response within the given time frame, UPG has the right to suspend or revoke my status as a Candidate or as a UPG Biashara Entrepreneur.

(h) I commit to providing updates to UPG about my activities and to sharing successes, challenges and feedback from my experiences. This includes sharing photos, videos and completing any monitoring and evaluation activities.

(i) I commit to participating, to the best of my ability, in UPG-related activities that are part of the UPG Biashara initiative. Such participation may include brainstorming additional ways for UPG to have impact and participating in activities online and in person. I commit to fulfilling this role from the time of my confirmation as a Candidate through to the end of December 2024.

(j) Beyond December 2024, I understand that I will have ongoing opportunities to participate in activities that support me and that create opportunities for all UPG Biashara Entrepreneurs.

(k) I understand that UPG Biashara Entrepreneurs are also part of the UPG Community (either as Champions or as Members) and I commit to continue being - or to become - a part of the Community for 2024.

(l) As a Candidate - and thereafter as a UPG Biashara Entrepreneur - I agree to behave in accordance with the UPG Action Guidelines. I understand that any behaviour of mine that is inconsistent with the UPG Action Guidelines may result in consequences as determined by UPG.

2. Learning Journey & Action Journey: Training, Complementary Modules and Opportunities

As a Candidate for the UPG Biashara Class of 2024, I understand that I will only become a UPG Biashara Entrepreneur by successfully completing the Learning Journey for UPG Biashara. I commit to attending the UPG Biashara Learning Journey and to completing the mandatory and the optional requirements outlined by UPG to the best of my ability.

I understand that I am eligible for selection or invitation to additional opportunities related to UPG Biashara. Such opportunties include the possibility to participate in the Grant awards that are available in the Action Journey. It also includes the opportunities to participate in events and activities that provide exposure and access to potential investors and potential collaborators. It also includes access to Mentorship opportunities. I understand that some of these opportunities may be subject to specific additional agreements.

I commit to taking all opportunities seriously and to completing them to the best of my ability.

3. Authorisation and Release: Use of Content, Images and Videos

I give United People Global (UPG) its assigns, successors, licensees, legal representatives, employees and agents the irrevocable right to use my name/photograph/ image/audio recording/video recording and likeness in all forms and manner (“My Image”) for the purposes of activities related to UPG and UPG Biashara for advertising, media publicity, publication, general display or for any other UPG purposes in whole or in part, including but not limited to publication on internet web sites, broadcasts and any other publications.

I waive any interest that I may have in the copyright to My Image now or at any future time and acknowledge that I am not entitled, nor shall in the future be entitled, to receive any payment or consideration in respect of it and agree to make no claim against UPG for any payments for the Publication of My Image.

I understand UPG cannot control unauthorised use of My Image by persons not associated with UPG upon the Publication of My Image. I waive any right to inspect or approve any Publication of My Image by UPG.

I release and indemnify UPG from any loss, damage, costs, expense, or claim (including consequential loss) connected with the Publication of My Image, including action for defamation, libelous material, breach of privacy, or copyright.

Agreement *

To ensure that we can process your candidacy, please use the same email address that you used in your application.

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Maximum file size: 5MB

National Identity, International Passport, Driver's License


For the Candidate (You)

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