Meet the Nominees! You can vote for 1 person in each category (e.g. 1 person in Male and 1 person in Female) – and you can do this in every region. Please browse this site and get to know the #UPGSustainability Leaders. If you have questions for them, then please signup for updates so that you know when they will be available in a LIVE session so that you can ask them questions.
By the end of the campaign, two people from each region will win the most votes and will secure a place on the #UPGSustainability#JourneyToHurricane. And your VOICE matters: who would you be happy to vote for? Please scroll down and learn more.
Partial Polling Results
Last Updated: 00:00 on 1 August 2021
Total Voters: 2,537
Partial Results Podium
1st – 1119 votes 2nd – 1030 votes 3rd – 992 votes
* Please note that each Voter casts 2 votes: 1 woman and 1 man. And so the total number of votes is twice the total number of Voters.
Aung Khant Ko
My name is Aung Khant Ko, and I am currently living in Yangon, Myanmar. I am deeply passionate about solving the 15th Sustainable Development Goal, ‘Life on Land,’ and am actively working on an initiative called Environscienia, which integrates three pillars such as innovation, mitigation, and public teaching. Also, I am aiming to develop an artificial intelligence model that can detect the vulnerability of ecosystems and biodiversity values around the globe by means of data sampling and speedy hypothesis testing by AI.
My name is Leily, I’m from Manado, Indonesia. I’m a UPG Sustainability Leader and Champion of 2022. My experience of 11 years living in 4 different countries and working with various stakeholders from private, public and government sectors in 3 industries: Education, Digital Platform and Consulting have taught me a lot on the importance of “sustainability”. My personal project explores on SDGs 4, 5, 13 and 17 which integrates the Youth Participation & Empowerment as I believe that young people is the ultimate key player to put the sustainability agenda forward.
Jonna Karla Bien
This is Jonna Karla C. Bien from the Philippines. I currently work as the Director of the Office of International Affairs from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and concurrently an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department for Graduate and Undergraduate Programs. I graduated with a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology and I serve as a resource speaker and research presenter in national and international events.I am an advocate of SDG 3 (Good Health & Well-Being) – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and SDG 4 (Quality Education) – ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning.
I’m Kayen Huynh – A sustainability leader in UPG 2021.SLOGAN: : “Hakuna Matata” (Swahili: [hɑˈkunɑ mɑˈtɑtɑ]) is a Swahili language phrase from East Africa, meaning “no trouble” or “no worries” and “take it easy”. I believe: “Love is the foundation, Unity is strength”.But “How do we belong together to have the strength of unity?You can be bankrupt and divorced at 35. You can be a person with 1 leg and 1 hand. You can be hopeless. For someone who was sacked without being paid. For gay or lesbian. For those who are in need of assistance and desire to be assisted,…You don’t have to be perfect to belong here in UPG.And remember, you’re not alone, cause we’re all here. BETTER TOGETHER. And yes, “Better together” is my big project in life.
Muhammad Rhaka Katresna
M Rhaka Katresna is a UPG Sustainability Leader based in Bandung, Indonesia. After successfully airing the first season of Kala Cumarita on Metrum Radio, he and his friends started a movement named Halo BaKaJa (Balad Kawit Seja / Friends Starting the Efforts). Halo BaKaJa is concerning to SDG number 10, 11, 16, and 17.