Journey to Hurricane Island

Meet The #UPGSustainability Leaders

Meet the Nominees! You can vote for 1 person in each category (e.g. 1 person in Male and 1 person in Female) – and you can do this in every region. Please browse this site and get to know the #UPGSustainability Leaders. If you have questions for them, then please signup for updates so that you know when they will be available in a LIVE session so that you can ask them questions.

By the end of the campaign, two people from each region will win the most votes and will secure a place on the #UPGSustainability #JourneyToHurricane. And your VOICE matters: who would you be happy to vote for? Please scroll down and learn more.

Partial Polling Results

Last Updated: 00:00 on 1 August 2021

Total Voters: 2,537

Partial Results Podium

1st – 1119 votes
2nd – 1030 votes
3rd – 992 votes

Please note that each Voter casts 2 votes: 1 woman and 1 man. And so the total number of votes is twice the total number of Voters.

Bayan Aloqdeh

Bayan #UPGSustainability Leader and a committed professional from the heart of Jordan, brings a wealth of experience. As a valued member of the diplomatic and NGOs field. The core of Bayan’s mission is a profound commitment to advancing women’s rights and promoting gender equality. Recognizing the significance of these issues, Bayan has embarked on a visionary project aimed at creating tangible and sustainable improvements in these areas. With a keen understanding of the complexities surrounding gender issues, Bayan aspires to amplify voices, break barriers, and bridge gaps in the pursuit of a more equitable society.

Hajar Ayad

Hajar Ayad, a dedicated psychologist turned #UPGSustainability Leader, based in Casablanca, Morocco. Drawing inspiration from her work supporting survivors of sexual assault, she has passionately focused on Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5, spearheading a community project that brings education to the heart of rural areas.

Mohammed Nayif Pasha

Mohammed Nayif Pasha is a #UPGSustainability Leader from Zakho, Kurdistan region of Iraq. He is currently working as Petroleum Geology head department coordinator and is passionate about promoting SDG4 (Quality of Education) in Iraq as education is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. Mohammed aim is to help People to get more adequate education as much as he can so they can break from the cycle of poverty and to reduce the inequalities to reach gender equality and to empower people everywhere to live healthier and more sustainable live. He see the world as an adynamic place in which we can share opportunities and growth and believes that every individual has something we can learn from. I hope that I will be a source to provide people with hope and achieve the Sustainability goals in my society.

Nazeh Tawfik Khamis

Nazeh Tawfik, #UPGSustainability Leader from Egypt. Nazeh is graduated from faculty of engineering, Mechanical Department. He is founder of startup company Azimuth Wind Turbine to produce clean energy and contribute in making this world more sustainable.

Selma Bichbich

Selma #UPGSustainability Leader is a social and climate youth activist She is an SDSN fellow, the contact point of the Human Rights Working Group at YOUNGO, and the GST Communication Officer at SDG7 Youth Consistency. a board member and co-founder of the MENA Youth Network, the founder of the Together for Blue and Green organization, and a Max Thabiso Edkins Global Climate Ambassador.The representative of North Africa at the Global Youth Leadership Council in EarthUprising NGO which was the organization that funded me to make it to cop.I was the delegate of Algeria at the PreCop26 Youth4Climate Summit in both editions (Milan and New York), an active member of UNEPMGCY, she is also the organizer of the first edition of the MENA Youth Environmental Assembly.

Salah Aldeen

Salah Aldeen #UPGSustainability Leader from Yemen is a young man in his thirties, who has worked in humanitarian work since 2015. He went through many job grades until he became an executive manager at a Non-profit Organization, NDEO. Through his organization, with his team, he is trying to do his best to achieve sustainable development goals in his country and the whole world, especially Goals No. 1: No Poverty, 3: Good Health, and 3: Climate Actions. Salah always looks forward to sharing his experiences with others and listening to them. He has a dream of being a great leader who can change the course of many people for the better. He always loves excellence and creativity and strives to prove it by all possible means.

Journey to Hurricane Island
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    Voter Registration will open soon the winners will be announced at a #UPGSustainability event on 9 Feb 2024.
    Please RSVP and join us: https://upglive.org/upgsl-events-RSVP. Thank you!